As a way of celebrating DU Construction's 20 years in business, Mark along with 10 friends and Jacs father will be peddling from Oswestry to Cardiff on Friday 8th April

You can help raise money for this great cause by donating directly to the Just Giving page: Click here

I know I often ask but I feel this is a cause where a little lad may have huge benefits from in later life

JustGiving sends your donation straight to The Movement Centre and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer, so your donation is worth even more.

Thank you for your support as always



Jac's Story:

Jac was born early but healthy in 2013, with minor developmental delays which were expected.

As he grew older (and bigger), it became obvious that there were some issues with standing up and walking, and he was diagnosed with diplegia which is a form of cerebral palsy.

He can stand against objects and can get about in his walking frame.

Jac has regular physiotherapy, special horse riding and swimming to help keep his legs supple and flexible in readiness for him one day, hopefully, standing and walking unaided.

The movement centre offer specialist targeted training for kids like Jac. As the name suggests this training identifies and targets the specific problem area.

Whilst recommended by the NHS, they don't fund treatment.

We all have hopes for Jac's progress, but in truth no one can really say what the outcome will be. We really believe though that whatever his potential is, the movement centre will help him fulfil it. It could be literally life changing.

We hope to raise the cost of Jac's treatment, and anything over and above will help kids like him.

The target we've set isn't the cost of Jac's treatment, we're trying to raise as much as we can over and above for the charity.

For this 9 ordinary blokes and support drivers will be cycling from Gobowen to Cardiff over 2 days trying to raise as much money as is humanly possible